Local Search Engine Optimization
Local Search
What is it?
With over 5.6 billion searches every day (that’s about 230 million searches per hour) and around 90% share of the search engine market (according to many sources), Google is awesome for reaching prospective customers
No marketing source delivers a higher conversion rate than organic traffic from search engines. But, make no mistake, although it’s highly effective, SEO can and will take time even when it’s done correctly.
Even though we’ve significantly improved rankings for websites in as less than 90 days, SEO is sometimes utilized in addition to paid advertizing when getting a website off the ground and revenue and sales might be of immediate focus.
Having said that, Search Engine Optimization is undeniably a great way to help keep your online marketing budget in check. There is an investment and a commitment required. It takes a lot of serious work in the early days, but when your website is up there, it’s easier to stay there.
Optimizing for “LOCAL SEARCH” means you focus on being found by potential customers in you local geographical area. To do this, we make sure to have location-related content on the pages along with keyword-rich content about the business.
So, when someone searches for “chiropractor near me”, they should be presented with websites for chiropractors in their locality.
Through several years of experience, we know how to do that. Our team is thorough and on the case. Unique content will be written by our creative team and is vitally important to ensure it resonates with Google and is relevant to the person searching.
There needs to be a considerable amount of keyword and location information relevant to your business that is used to find you online.
Searching for, and placing those ever-important credible backlinks can also be time-consuming, but we take the time to build them.
To find out what we would need to do get website onto page one, give us a call or drop us a line on our CONTACT PAGE.