Option 10 Digital Agency

Business Coaching That
Crushes Your Profit Problem

What Is Your Prospect's Burning Issue?
How Are You Going To Fix It?
You Must Create A No-Brainer Offer
That People Just Cannot Ignore.

Business Coaching That
Crushes Your Profit Problem

--You Pocket Your Profit, Not Your Revenue--

You Pocket Your Profit

NOT Your Revenue

Frankie Barwell Business Coaching Workshop

10X ROI Money Back Coaching Guarantee

What Is Your Prospect's Burning Issue?
How Are You Going To Fix It?
You Must Create A No-Brainer Offer
That People Just Cannot Ignore.

Business Coaching,
Web Design, SEO
for Local Businesses.

Simple, basic principles coupled with consistency will bring predictable results.
Systems, processes, and tracking can show you where you are and where you’re going.
Without a plan and a system, a business is rudderless, guessing and gambling.

Contact us for a free one hour business assessment where you will discover hidden opportunities to exponentially ramp up your business profits without adding to your marketing or advertising budget.

There is gold waiting in your business, right under your nose. Maybe a ton of it.

What’s better, annual revenue of $1M with a Net Loss OR annual revenue of $500K with a profit of $100K?

You decide.

Website Design and CONTENT For Page One Search Results

Website design is a big and sometimes contentious issue. Some people like a lot of bells and whistles. Others like a clean-looking site. Another person might like a ton of pretty pictures.

What many people often overlook, is content. The actual, meaningful words on the page. Pictures are all well and good, but they don’t really work that well when someone is searching for a “plumber in Middletown”.

A photo of a nice shiny faucet may look attractive on the page but, on its own, will not prompt Google to show that website as much as a simple piece of text like “Middletown plumber” might.

I’m giving a very simplistic example here as there are a lot of moving parts going on but, essentially, what the search engines need in order to place a website on the top page (or any page) of search engine results, is basic yet, comprehensive information, clearly written and easy to understand.

Pretty pictures are lovely, but on their own and without supportive words to tell us all about it, they don’t do a lot.  A website needs to tell us in great detail what the service or product is, and where it is provided or sold etc., etc,

SEO for Locally Focussed Businesses

Search Engine Optimization, or SEO for short, is just about configuring or preparing a website so that the search engines can present people searching the internet with a website that contains the product or service or information they are searching for. 

OK, so, you have a gorgeous looking website. Now, if I don’t know the name or the URL of your website, how do I find it? Please?

For a website to get found anywhere on the internet, it must leave clues. And the more clues it puts out, the more chances there will be of getting found. Those clues should be in the content. 

What is content?

Content is the information on your website pages. But it’s not just words. Images  and graphics are important too. Your website content must be rich with relevant keywords. Key words that speak about your products and/or services and where you’re located.

Yes, YOU might know all about what you’re selling, and your potential customer/client might know all about what they’re searching for, but have you thought about whether Google or Bing know what you’re all about?

If you don’t literally spell it out, it can be almost impossible for the hunter and the hunted to get together.

Information About Your Location Is Important?

Are you local? Then tells us about it. If you have a street address? Then provide a map. Do you have a local area code. 

Not everything is as important as something else but it all  helps to create a big footprint.

Everything I’ve alluded to, here is about “on-page” SEO. In addition to this is “off-page” SEO. This is where the rubber meets the road…

CRM Automation - What Is It?

In a nutshell, CRM Automation allows you to regularly and systematically keep in touch with and nurture your customers/clients while you can be working on other areas of your business.

Our “CRM Highway” system can be customized to respond to any incoming inquiry, whether it’s by phone, website form, website chat, GMB chat, Facebook Messenger or paid ad.

If you can’t get to an incoming phone call, the system can respond with an immediate text message with whatever response is appropriate such as: “Sorry, we’re on another line. We’ll call right back.” Or “Please leave a message” etc.

If someone looks at your website, they will be presented with a chat bot with customized logic-based questions or suggestions in ways that encourage the visitor to make contact or provide contact details.

If someone is showing some interest in your business, wouldn’t you prefer an opportunity to engage with them? Much like a brick and mortar store will have someone smiling to greet you when you enter.

CRM image